welcome to the blinkies archive.
blinkies.cafe offers two types of blinkies:
original, drawn by blinkies.cafe.
archived, from elsewhere on the web.
when we add a blinkie from the web, we archive a copy, then create a template version without text. these template versions are used by the
blinkie maker.
the archived copies live here, with links to their sources and generator pages.
all blinkies not on this page are original.
in most cases it is difficult or impossible to track down the original creator of a blinkie. this is partly because blinkies have been widely shared & copied without attribution for two decades and counting. most original creators' websites have been offline for years.
however -- if you see a blinkie that you drew, oh wow i love your work and i'd love to chat about it!! please say hi, so i can update the source or remove your blinkie if you prefer.
font sources
blinkie text can use a few different types of lettering:
- hand-drawn
- truetype font
- bitmap font
hand-drawn lettering is of course out of the question for a blinkie generator. truetype fonts are common and diverse, but tend to look worse than bitmap fonts at such low pixel counts.
blinkies.cafe prefers bitmap fonts where possible, but falls back to truetype fonts when necessary for expanded character sets. sincere thanks to font creators for making this possible!
cool links
GifCities, Internet Archive. GeoCities Animated GIF Search Engine.
Vernacular Web 2, Olia Lialina. Article on the design of early 2000s websites.
textfiles.com, Jason Scott. Text file archive.
The Yesterweb. Old web revival community.
Yesterlinks. User-created directory of cool sites & sitebuilding resources!